Learn German with the films starring Liv Lisa Fries.

Learn German with Films of Liv Lisa Fries

In 2017, Babylon Berlin starring actress Liv Lisa Fries hit televisions around the world. The 1920s crime series is the most expensive non-English language television drama. While the television series was an introduction for some of Germany’s most exciting young actors to audiences that, ordinarily, may not watch a non-English show. But for German language learners, let’s use this opportunity to get to know Liv Lisa Fries. The young actress is racking up appearances in films and on television and receiving critical acclaim while doing so. This month’s let’s practice German with the films of Liv Lisa Fries!

About Liv Lisa Fries

Liv Lisa Fries was born in Berlin on October 31st in 1990. It’s said she decided to pursue acting after being taken by Natalie Portman’s performance in the 1994 film Léon: The Professional.

Fries made her acting debut in 2006 when she appeared in the made for television crime film Schimanski – Tod in der Siedlung. Since the initial role, Fries has worked on both the big and small screens. She has been recognized as the best actress and best young actress at a number of film festivals and award shows.

Learn German with the film Und morgen mittag bin ich tot starring Liv Lisa Fries.

Und morgen Mittag bin ich tot (Zurich)

Fries stars in 2013’s Und morgen Mittag bin ich tot (And I’ll be dead tomorrow noon) as Lea, a young woman with cystic fibrosis. With his disease in an advanced state, Lea decides she wants to travel to Zurich, Switzerland to end her life at noon on her 23rd birthday. The film, a drama-comedy, tells the story of how Lea and her family deal with her decision.

The film, also known by the title Zurich, was recognized for its authentic portrayal of cystic fibrosis and euthanasia. Fries, in particular, received critical acclaim for her performance.

Learn German with the film Rakete Perelman starring Liv Lisa Fries.

Rakete Perelman (Rocket Perelman)

In 2017’s Rakete Perelman, Fries portrays Jen, a woman in her mid-twenties who is unhappy with her fast-paced job in fashion and her stressful life in the big city. Jen and her boyfriend Till decide to move out of the city and to the German state of Brandenburg. There, they get involved with Rakete Perelman, an artist colony. The group of ten decides to pursue a life of idealism with their commune. In order to raise money for the commune, the group endeavors to put on a theater production. But the collaborative project challenges the group to work together while remaining true to their ideals.

Learn German with Babylon Berlin starring Liv Lisa Fries.

Babylon Berlin

In Babylon Berlin, the show directed by Tom Tykwer, Volker Bruch stars as Kommissar Gereon Rath. Rath has been recently transferred to Berlin from Cologne. He is in the capital in order to investigate a case. But things are not what they first appear. Rath suddenly finds himself in a scandalous case. He is getting far more than he originally bargained for when he arrived in Berlin. Fries portrays Charlotte, a woman struggling to make ends meet that secures a job as a clerk at the police department. But Charlotte dreams of much greater things!

Babylon Berlin is a collaboration between German public and private broadcasters. The television series brings to life the Weimar Republic of 1920s Berlin and leading up to the first years of the Third Reich. The television show is based on a series of books by author Volker Kutscher.

Stream Babylon Berlin on Amazon Prime.

Practice practice practice! Discover other great German language actors and actresses previously featured.

Top photo is by Mathias Bothor, used courtesy Players. This post contains affiliate links.

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