More German Videos Online for Learners

More German Videos Online for Learners
My previous post sharing some of my favorite spots for subtitled German videos online generated enough interest that I thought I’d do a second part with some more links. In the two or so years that I’ve been seriously, actively trying to learn the language, I’ve spent a lot of time trawling the internet looking for ways to practice. It’s amazing to think about how much easier it is today. These things didn’t exist a decade or so ago, at least not in the current form.

If you’re looking to stream videos straight to your television with services like Netflix or Amazon Prime, there are some great offerings of German language movies and television. And with some services — like Netflix — you can even get subtitles in German!

Some websites do limit video based on your location. The links I’m sharing don’t have that caveat, at least the majority of the videos on each site don’t.

Also, be sure to check out, where you can be sent a new German word every day to improve your vocabulary.

As always, if you have any favorite links, please share! I’m always looking for new spots.

  • German actor and comedian Christian Ulmen produces and stars in several shows, in fact their new seasons has just premiered on TELE5. But you can stream the shows on Ulmen’s website, My personal tip? Don’t miss Stuckrad-Barre! I’m a big fan of Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre’s comedy-slash-political talk show.
  • Well known and respected German newspaper Der Spiegel runs Speigel TV, a section of video pieces on current events. Most videos are short.
  • Similarly, daily tabloid Bild has Bild.TV with short videos on current events albeit a little less high brow…
  • lets you record and download television shows.
  • – This might sound silly but Germany’s QVC streams their broadcasts for free online in real time. It’s a great way to learn adjectives! And no commercials…because it’s just one long commercial…
  • German television channel ARD has a large online viewing area with lots of videos you can watch at your convenience and even some you can stream live.
  • Likewise, VOX has their own online video portal with many of their shows available for streaming.

That’s it for part 2. Maybe I’ll do a part 3…

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