Learn and practice the German language using music in German! This month features the music of alt pop singer Alli Neumann!

Learn German with Music of Alli Neumann

Some music fans are ones that like to be on the inside. They like to be on the cutting edge, knowledgeable of the latest and greatest bands and musicians before everyone else. If you fall into this category then this month’s German music post is right up your alley. Barely in her twenties and with only a single EP under her belt, singer Alli Neumann is looking to make a name for herself. And quite frankly Neumann‘s got a lot going for her: from an ear-catching debut release to touring with big, popular names. This month, let’s learn German language with the music of Alli Neumann!

About Alli Neumann

2018 was a big year for Alli Neumann. She made her film debut in Kim Frank’s film Wach. The film focuses on two teenage girls (portrayed by Neumann and Jana McKinnon) decide to stay awake as long as possible, without drugs, in the hopes of reaching a state of euphoria. Neuman also released her debut EP, Hohes Fieber. Not bad for a 20-year-old from Hamburg, Germany.

Neumann’s Sound

To date, the Hohes Fieber EP is Neumann’s sole release but her record label, Jive Germany have a spring 2019 release date set for a follow-up EP. Neumann’s music has earned her a spot opening for popular band AnnenMayKantereit on a number of their early 2019 tour dates.

While it would be easy to judge Neumann based on her age and appearance and label her as a pop singer, it’s not quite so simple. The five-track Hohes Fieber is poppy but with a twist of blues, a touch alternative, and a hint of rock. The title track, with its strong, soaring vocals, reminds of Icelandic singer Björk while “Is Ok” has an upbeat bluesy rock sound. Neumann channels German pop rock goddess Nena on “Banditen” and “Merlot, Macht & Muse” seems the ideal radio-friendly pop hit.

Regardless of the track on Hohes Fieber, Neumann’s vocals are confident, especially for a debut. Alli Neumann’s voice is strong but with an edge and a slight roughness that makes it interesting and engaging.

Perhaps as a result of her experience with acting, Neumann’s music video for “Hohes Fieber” is decidedly cinematic. Not so coincidentally, Kim Frank serves as the video’s director. The video is thus far the only music video for her debut EP. It is a less than four-minute film of love and intrigue, lust and murder.

Looking for another Ohrwurm to help you learn German? Check out previously featured musicians and bands!

Photo is courtesy Melt! Booking. This post contains affiliate links.

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