Homemade Apfelschorle

It wasn’t until I was doing the write up on my homemade Spezi that I realized that I should try making Apfelschorle at home. Apfelschorle is a mix of carbonated mineral water and apple juice that’s widely available and popular in Germany. Oh, and it’s pretty tasty, too. So, I had to do it. I had to try mixing it up at home.

I tried a few different variations of my homemade Apfelschorle. As with anything, it’s all about personal preference. And you could try this with any variation or combination of juices. The possibilities are really endless.

Apfelschorle attempt #1: carbonated mineral water and apple juice

Apfelschorle attempt #1: carbonated mineral water and apple juice
My first attempt was with carbonated mineral water and apple juice. I initially did a 50/50 mix. It was good but heavy. My husband didn’t think it was quite right. I didn’t think it was too far off, though. If anything, the carbonated mineral water just didn’t have enough bubbles. I’ve since been drinking a mix of slightly more apple juice than carbonated mineral water: around 7 oz of apple juice to 5 oz of carbonated mineral water.

Apfelschorle attempt #2: apple juice and carbonated spring water

Apfelschorle attempt #2: apple juice and carbonated spring water
My second attempt was with carbonated spring water and apple juice. (Apparently there is a difference between all these carbonated waters.) This was a very scientific study that I conducted, clearly.

The 50/50 mix of the spring water and apple juice was similar to the mineral water. The main difference was that the spring water seemed to have more carbonation which led to a stronger taste that somewhat overpowered the apple juice.

Overall, both of us agreed that the carbonated mineral water made for a better Apfelschorle. I personally prefer a slightly more apple juice than carbonated water mix but to each their own.

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